Transparency is often said to be very important for good government, but in reality, it’s more talk than action.   Politicians often promise to be open and honest during their campaigns, but the truth is, many of them don’t really share everything they should.  While transparency in government is essential for accountability and trust, it’s important to recognize that sometimes community interest in transparency can cross over into undue curiosity about matters that aren’t relevant to governmental operations.   It should be the goal of all public servants to provide clear and pertinent information about policies, decisions, and the use of public resources.  However, it’s also crucial to maintain a balance and respect the boundaries of what is genuinely in the public interest versus what falls into the realm of personal privacy or non-relevant matters.  I believe the key in achieving this balance and ensuring “true transparency” is in education and accessibility.

The education of citizens plays a crucial role in achieving genuine transparency in governance. Educated citizens are better equipped to understand and engage with the complexities of government processes and policies. This understanding is fundamental for demanding accountability and transparency from elected officials and for participating effectively in democratic processes. When citizens are well-informed, they are more likely to ask pertinent questions, engage in productive dialogue about county issues and demand that public officials uphold their promises of openness.   Furthermore, an educated public is less susceptible to misinformation and more capable of discerning the truth, making it harder for corrupt or unclear practices to go unnoticed.

Our County’s  website has a page dedicated to Transparency.   It is my desire to press upon our Board of Commissioners the need to update this website page,    To make the TRANSPARENCY PAGE more user-friendly, readable, and accessible for transparency, my suggestions for improvements include:

  1. Include the current Code of Ethics Policy that governs the members of the Board of Commissioner and other public officers in the County;
  2. Include the Enabling Legislation-Senate Bill 423 that outlines the duties and other vital information of our Board of Commissioners elected individuals;
  3. Provide Budget and Financial Reports that are detailed and up-to-date on government’s budget and spending to allow citizens to see how public funds are being allocated and used;
  4. Include a link to all public officials Financial Disclosure Forms that are submitted annually;
  5. Organize the information in a more clear layout by categorizing each section of providing a clearer menu of items;
  6. Simplify the language to make it easier for the user to understand;
  7. Provide brief summaries or explanations of each section to help users understand what each link or document contains;
  8. List detailed information about public services that are offered, including eligibility criteria, application processes and service locations;
  9. Include a Data Portal with access to government data sets on various topics like crime statistics, court statistics, provided in a user-friendly and downloadable format.
  10. Include a Public Records Portal with a searchable database of public records, including government contracts, permits, licenses and other official documents;
  11. Provide an updated and real-time Comprehensive Monthly Calendar that contains all government meetings, government board meetings, government deadlines, public forums, town halls and any other meetings that are sponsored by the local government;
  12. Include Performance Metrics and Accountability Reports on government performance in various sectors and assessment of progress on public commitments and projects;
  13. Adding visual elements like infographics or charts to make complex information mor digestible;
  14. Offering a FAQ section that addresses common queries related to government operations and transparency;
  15. Ensuring that the Transparency Page is accessible to all citizens, including those with disabilities, by providing instructions for initiating features such as screen reader compatibility, adjustable text size and alternative text for images; and
  16. Including a search function specific to the transparency page to help users quickly find specific information.

Some of this information is provided on the current page but not in a format that is organized and relatable in a user-friendly format. Genuine transparency in governance is not just about paying lip service to the concept, it involves concrete actions and policies.  My proposal for changes to the website is a start.